Saturday, February 27, 2010

Friday, February 26, 2010 Fear...dominated

"Our doubts are traitors and make us loose the good we oft might win by fearing to attempt."
William Shakespeare

Ok, so today was challenging. I woke up at 5:30 and found it really hard to get myself out of bed. I seriously considered not working out, it was the usual monster that attacks me everytime I start getting great results, it whispers "what harm is there in not working out today? you are starting to look great!" but this time it couldn't get to me, I didn't let it. It simply took me a little moment to think about that I had to do it later in the afternoon, was not going to be able and then I knew I was't going to do it. after that guilt would kick in, making me feel miserable for letting myself not workout, guilt would take me to conmfort eating and after that it was all downards spiral and probably falling down the wagon and into a puddle of mud! hahaha I'm a little over dramatic but painting this picture was like fire in bed and I immediately jumped out of it. Problem solved. I now take inmmediate action and have no fears. It is great!

Meal 1 OK. My morning milkshake.
Meal 2 OK. A small apple, 1/3 cup of oatmeals and yogurt.
Meal 3 a total challenge. I had a training session at work and they offered snacks. since I left my food at the office I ate what they served. I tried everything but only once. A gain for me was that I did not eat cookies.
Meal 4 OK. cottage cheese and jicama and almonds.
Meal 5. Beef stew with carrots and avocado.

I went to my zumba class and found it challenging but gave it my best. there are certain days when I feel the zumba class is challenging and I attribute it to the morning workout. I'll track which body part is the one that gives me trouble.

At night at home they cooked one of my favourite meals. I called my brother to keep myself busy so they didn't call me for dinner. It was a great strategy. I went to bed after 3.5 lt of water and 5 succesful meals!

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