Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Wednesday, February 24. The 3 D's that make the Difference!

"The starting point of all achievement is desire. Keep this constantly in mind. Weak desires bring weak results, just as a small fire makes a small amount of heat."

Napoleon Hill

Finally all things are back in their place. I weighed myself yesterday and the fatloss is still running. I am excited because everyday I am one step closer to the body of my dreams. My motivation is unstoppable, my desire is always there staring back at me in the mirror and everytime I move it is there because my clothes fit so much better now.

It is all because of a little thing called dedication. Yesterday, when I was changing into my gym clothes I noticed that the pants I chose for that day felt different, and just like that it hit me, I am slimmer. It is a ver interesting thing because the diference is slight, small but definitely there. At that point I got to thinking that this is the pace that weight uses to slowly creep up on you over time, so subtle you easily get used to it and do nothing about it until the clothes are too tight to ignore. So dedication, uh? YES, dedication, determination and desire. The 3 Ds that make the difference. they have helped me persevere and stay on track long enough to see results, long enough to love the journey and continue with all my strenght, better than ever.

Today I woke up at 5:30 determined to measure myself and workout. I measured until today because my little siblings lost the previous measuring tape and I bought one last night. I use a website for my workouts where there is a streaming video that I follow, it is different everyday for 5 days a week and changes every 30 days. There was something wrong with the videos this morning and I couldn't do the workouts. At the last minute I remembered there is an abs workout I could do, I haven't done it a lot so it contributed to changing things up, it was awesome.

What was also really awesome were my measurements:

Weight: 77.6 kg
Waist: 77 cm (minus 1 cm)
Hips: 94 cm (minus .5 cm)
Arms: 32 cm (minus .5 cm each)
Calves: 40.5 and 41 cm (minus 1 cm combined)
Tighs: 67 and 68 cm (minus 1 cm combined)
Hips (around thighs): 109 cm (minus .5 cm)
Below bust: 84 cm (minus .5 cm)
Neck: 36 cm

All this information gives me a change in my bf%. Today I am 25.9% and on February 14 I was 27.2%. So this is what I have lost in numbers since that date:

Weight: 400 grams
BF%: 1.3%
Centimeters: 5

It is wonderful, I am really grateful for the results I am able to post today and very happy too. Now, I am looking forward to posting another picture, one week after the last one so that should be this Friday evening or on Saturday morning.

Thank you for reading and sharing my journey. Stay dedicated, determined and full of desire for your dreams and dream BIG!

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