Thursday, February 25, 2010

Thersday, February 25, 2010 The force of habit

"I never could have done what I have done without the habits of punctuality, order, and diligence, without the determination to concentrate myself on one subject at a time."
Charles Dickens

It is very interesting when you focus on something and everything around you starts to somehow react to your interests. Things you used to overlook catch your attention now, things you used to dismiss now seem interesting and you start getting into them. It is even more interesting when things you need to accomplish your desired goal appear in your life when you least expect them but at the exact time when you need them the most.

I relate all this events to a phrase I use a lot "everything happens for a reason". I tend to combine it with another phrase I caught later on "everything has its own place and time" and now with all the things happening to me in this journey I understand them a lot more and they make even more sense.

Right now I am in my eighth continuous week, nonstop motivation, full-time thinking about achieving the body of my dreams, checking results and adjusting action plans, working out at least 5 days a week and staying focused.

Today I realized that the comment I've been making about having unstoppable motivation is nothing more than the effects of the forces of habit. In these almost two months I have developed some awesome habits and they are really sticking. I drink water everyday, I consider if what I'm about to put inside my mouth is consistent with my goals, I have a positive mindset, I go over my new beliefs on fatloss and review my goals constantly to stay focused and it all seems a lot easier eight weeks later. It is great.

A great personal example of the powerful force of habit is precisely in my own life. At the same time I started this fitness journey I started another journey with some coleagues, the dream to achieve some professional goals. In that case consistency has been lost in the distance, dedication never truly formed and desire was never truly there I guess. So right now in my life I have two sides, one is going really strong and the other is absolutely going south, it needs rescue. So, believe in the power of every day taking immediate action, in discipline and in perseverance, they ROCK!

This morning was great, up at 5:30 again. 30 minutes working out, then got ready for work, had my milkshake and off to work! I increased my calorie intake for today and will be back down to a bigger deficit tomorrow for another 3 days. I have been truly compliant today, just finished my fourth meal and I have now mastered resisting carbs at night thanks to the change I did in schedule. I no longer dine at the same time as my family, it is the only way it works for everyone. This way they do not offer me all sorts of food because they know I've already eaten and I get to see results faster.

I am really excited. I am back to the shape I had just after finishing University. It still isn't breaking my personal best but it's closer! I am excited, tomorrow is picture day!

Have fun and work hard (in this order) LOL


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