Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Saturday February 27, 2010 Awesome results keep coming...

Today was an absolutely awesome day! I woke up later than on weekdays, that's my first highlight of the day. When I woke up I decided to measure myself since I couldn't weigh nyself I would at least record some progress. This are my new measurements:

Waist: 76 cm (minus 1 cm)
Hips: 93 cm (minus 1 cm)
Arms: 31.5 cm (minus .5 cm each)
Calves: 41 cm (plus .5 cm)
Tighs: 66.5 and 67.5 cm (minus 1 cm combined)
Hips (around thighs): 109 cm (no change)
Below bust: 83.5 cm (minus .5 cm)
Neck: 36 cm

Awesome! another change in bf%. Today I am 24.9%. 1% less than the last time. I know that this might not be the actual number but, since I cannot find my calipers because all my stuff got moved around at home, it is the formula I am going to work with until I find them again or order some new ones. I am extatic!

I was really hungry and everyone at home was hungry too so I prepared the breakfast. After being properly fed I uploaded my progress from the day before and changed into my workout clothes. I invited my little brother and sister to join me in my workout. Only my little sister did. She has a big yellow ball and she used it as her stability ball. the workout rocked, she was really excited and enjoyed it a lot. At the end she was exhausted, but I encouraged her to finish, we only had a couple of minutes left.
The rest of the day was just another normal weekend. I did not do much and enjoyed myself a lot. It was a quiet afternoon.
I'll post some more exciting news tomorrow.

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