Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Obstacles and challenges happen for a reason, they are not designed to make you fail... they are designed to help you succeed.

This morning started out like one of those days, just weird. A day when strange things happen to you one right after the other, that's why I chose this quote for today, to change my mindset and turn obstacles into opportunities for succes.

Last night I was really cold when I went to bed. I knew I had to go to the bathroom right before sleeping but couldn't get myself out of bed and this is the origin of the strange morning events as you soon will learn. I woke up almost instantly, got up as if I were pulled by some strange string, the ultimate time had come, I had to go, really bad. When I was getting ready to go back to bed a thought crossed my mind: isn't it awful when you wake up just minutes before the alarm clock goes off? Hopefully today won't be the case.

Haha, I was sadly mistaken. It was 5:28, just minutes before the alarm clock was programmed to mark the start of a brand new day. I got into bed to enjoy a couple of extra warm minutes. When the time came I got up, walked my way to the living room for my first weigh-in for the week. Another thought crossed my mind: what if I gained weight? No, I've been doing great.

Another sad prediction! The law of attraction at its best, like they say, beware of the thoughts you keep, because everything in reality manifests from the mind. the truth is that according to the scale I am up 1 kg since Sunday morning. This time I don't understand why. What I did seriously consider was to stop this nonsense and set a formal weigh-in day. I am thinking sunday mornings at 8. I have to say I got really sad with what the scale said, it set me to a gloomy mood. Nonsense, I better get myself to workout. I did my Tuesday quickie workout and cardio workout, I was done by 6:25. I got ready for work and left home.

Traffic in this city is something I had never experienced before, and it does not seem to lessen, quite on the contrary. I do not get upset by it because it is always there and there is nothing I can do about it. I just drive and enjoy my favorite music, the more I drive, the more I sing that's the way I see it!

On the nutrition part, everything is going OK. I have just had my fourth meal at 4:30 and I'm planning on eating the fifth right before I go to my zumba class because I have been dining really late and with my father and his wife so I don't control myself properly, I tend to eat some of what they're eating. This is also the reason why I can't seem to control my eating on weekends, it is my mission to control my calorie intake this saturday and sunday.

This is what nutrition looked like today:

1. Milkshake at 7 am: a cup of skim milk, 1/3 cup of oatmeal, 2 eggwhites, 6 almonds and a banana.
2. 100 grams of yogurt and 1/3 cup of oatmeal. 3 ham rolls (turkey breast)
3. 1/2 cup brown rice and 3 chicken/egg patties in tomatoe sauce.
4. 4 ham rolls with cream cheese, 6 almonds and a cucumber
5. Chicken breast, carrot and almonds.

Meal #5 will be right before my zumba class. Hopefully people will show up for it today, yesterday nobody else did because it was raining so I worked out at home with a cardio DVD.

I have drank 10 glasses of water so far and the goal is 12. I am feeling hungry now but hunger is not an emergency, it is the feeling of fat cells shrinking.

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