Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Everyone wants to be appreciated, so if you appreciate someone, don't keep it a secret. Mary Kay Ash

Okay so this is the story of my weekend.

It was a wonderful weekend spent completely with my boyfriend. He came to visit me and spend the weekend. It all started when he arrived on Saturday, at 1 am. I was already waiting him with his dinner ready because he had been traveling for 7 hours. I resisted eating that late and only took a small bite of his sandwich to calm my hunger, I knew we would go to bed soon so it wasn't worth eating.
At 9 I woke up and did my two workouts scheduled for the day (including cardio). After this we had breakfast. I didn't feel like going out. He wanted to go to the movies but I did not feel like driving all the way to the other town (right now I live in a very small city and there isn't a movie theater in it). Instead, we watched some movies and went downtown for a walk in the afternoon. We watched some traditional ritual from the city and walked to a monument overlooking the town. I had never seen the city fromthat spot at night, it looked wonderful. We did not stay long because he was feeling his throat a little sore and it was quite windy so we decided not to risk it.
At night I got attacked by the bingeing monster. I ate a lot of popcorn and chips and felt really bad after it. I decided not to hold on to the guilt and to workout a little bit. My little brother and sister joined me so it turned into games and we had a lot of fun. It all made me feel really better.
On Sunday we did not go to the movies either. We went for another wal but this time earlier, but before all that we went running together. Once we arrived at the racing track we played some soccer together. I really enjoyed it. I didn't think it could be so tiring. After about 15 minutes or so I did some laps.
I am really happy now that I enjoy excercise and I love doing so. I never get tired of saying how different it is this time and I know I am moving in the right direction.
While I was running I realized I have more endurance and while I was playing I felt a lot more control over my lower body, it is all great!
We got back home and had lunch. Orange juice, a slice of bread with some goat cheese and grilled cheese (no bread, just cheese on a grill) I also had some jicama (I forgot how it's called in English).
On our walk in the afternoon we decided to have some ice-cream. Mine wasn't creamy at all, I looked for a slightly harmless version, like a sorbet. I found strawberry and mango. It was delicious.
Back home I was starving (we had to wait at the car wash for over an hour, after walking for almost 2). We had tacos! I enjoyed them and did not overeat.
I loved this weekend. I am really thankful I got to enjoy such a wonderful couple of days.


  1. Vania...
    you are unstoppable! I'm so happy for you that you enjoy exercise now because I've always thought that being more fit/active meant freedom in my daily activities... Your endurance will keep going up and you'll be able to keep up with/outpace your loved ones!
    Thanks for your comments on my post. I looked back and I have been training hard for many weeks, so I'm going to bite the bullet and cut back this week, which will be really hard for me to stick to but with everyone's support, especially yours :), it will be easier for me knowing that my body needs it.
    PS - Comments can never be too long :)

  2. Christine!
    thank you so very much for everything you say to me. it was really very exciting to see I had one comment and all your words give me a lot of motivation that boos even more the motivation I get from the results I see as time passes.
    It´s good you're taking a break to give your body chance to recover and ready to be better than ever before and accomplish your fitness goals. Keep going! you're AWESOME!
