Friday, February 19, 2010

I do the very best I know how - the very best I can; and mean to keep doing so until the end. Abraham Lincoln

That's right! I'm really focusing on everyday doing my best, beating my own records and achieving a los of personal bests. Today I got up at 5:34 and did my morning workout session. I got ready for work and had my morning milkshake at 7 o'clock. I left on time for work but sady today I did run into traffic, no biggie!

I was surprinsingly well-behaved on the nutrition part, exercise is no problem, the problem is somethimes I seem to gravitate towards carbs LOL. But today was very different I was compleetly compliant, really hungry but remember "hunger is not an emergency" and like Tom Venuto says "It is the feeling of fat cells shrinking".

I left work at 5 and got home at 6. I helped my little sister with her homework, fixed my dinner and got ready for my zumba class. It started until 8:25 and ended at 9. I hope that next week everything is more timely and formal.

Here is my picture from today. I don't see a lot of difference but on the mirror I feel I have made some progress and my clothes fit very differently. Let's wait to see what the numbers say on sunday.

Thanks for reading and let's keep burning.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Vania, I'm going to follow you from here! Sounds like you've been doing well and I hope your weigh-in went well...
    Zumba is SO much fun and is a great workout! :)
    Keep it up!!
