Wednesday, February 17, 2010

In the beginning...

Once upon a time there was a happy little girl named Vania. Physically, she had beautiful brown eyes, curly brown hair and was a bit overweight (that's how her loved ones described her using a soft tone for discretion purposes). Truly, she was not so happy about it. She knew she yearned to be lighter, like her friends. She was a cheerleader for the local football team and longed to be light enough to be atop the human pyramids or carried by the older girls. She hated the fact that clothes didn't fit her right or were too tight. She wondered what it felt like to wait to grow up a little bit more so pants fit you right because they never did.

Everywhere she would hear that she'd grow out of it. 'She's a kid, let her enjoy her childhood' or 'It's not such a big deal, she is quite healthy as it is.' one thing was true, no one approached her to find out if she was OK with her weight, nobody asked if she wanted to change and she didn't know she could take matters into her own hands, all she did was do as she was told and enjoy life, and she really did, don't go thinking she didn't have a great childhood 'cause she had a blast!

So now you wonder, did she grow out of it? NO, not really. She learned to live with it, to follow what most people repeat over and over again, love yourself, always love yourself and accept your body as you are.

So, what now?

Ok, so now I have come a long way. In my case it has been a lot of preparation to start this journey. Since I have always accepted the way I looked, longing for a slimmer body but not beating myself up for not having it I never thought I was addicted to diets or that I had a weight problem. I have tried several times to loose weight, sometimes with a lot of success and others with no success at all. The truth is I got addicted to finding the next big thing and not giving full dedication to one strategy or combination of strategies.

Now I understand there is no big deal about it. Like Tom Venuto says it is a simple thing to loose fat but it is a very complex thin also because of the number of factors that are invlolved in the process. I am excited to say that this time I am very different in so many ways that I am prepared to say good bye to my excess fat once and for all. No more information overload, no more changing programmes in the middle of them, no more falling off the wagon over a cookie, a party or a bingeing episode, we all have them so deal with it and keep moving forward.

Now, let me tell you how the unstoppable transformation journey has gone so far...

Stage 1
Start date: January 4, 2010
Start weight: 82.2 kg.
Start BF%: unknown
Starting measurements: unknown
# of pants in suitcase that don't fit: 5
Picture: I don't have one formally but I'll upload one from new year's to take as reference.
Plan: workout everyday in my zumba class and run on weekends. Do some portion control.

This is a picture from new year's: sorry but I wasn't thinking about transformations then...

Two weeks later, I don't see a lot of progress. By January 11 my weight was down to 81.7 (400 grams in 1 week). I kept reading blogs from my favourite fitness authors Tom Venuto and Scott Tousignant.

Stage 2
Start date: January 18, 2010
Height: 1.65 mts
Start weight: 81.7 kg.
Start BF%: unknown
Starting measurements: unknown
# of pants in suitcase that don't fit: 5
Picture: There is one I took in the office. Promise it will be here tonight.
Plan: Follow Scott Tousignant Unstoppable Fatloss Programme (I have signed up for 6 months). I do quickie workouts in the morning progressively increasing the weight I carry and zumba classes at night. I follow Tom Venuto's BFFM nutrition.

This is a picture from February 10:

I have decided to start a blog to hold myself publicly accountable for this wonderful journey to success, the journey to the body of my dreams. I keep a writen journal but now I am aiming for more accountability and motivation. This are my most recent results:

Date: February 14, 2010
Height: 1.65 mts
Weight: 78 kg
BF: 27.2%
  • Waist: 78.5 cm (lost 1.5 cm so far)
  • Hips: 94.5 cm (lost 3.5 cm)
  • Biceps: 32.5 cm (lost .5 cm)
  • Thighs: 67.5 and 68.5 cm (lost 1.5 cm)
  • Calves: 41 and 41.5 cm (gained and lost, the same as starting point).

# of pants in suitcase that don't fit: 2 YEAH!

Well, this is it for today. I'll be sharing this with people and hopefully I have some visitors and comments.

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