Wednesday, February 24, 2010

"Find something positive to think about and don't let the conversation in your head end with a negative comment. Always end on a positive comment."

This is my entry for Tuesday February 23:

I'm really happy, finally I was able to weigh myself and not only that. It was awesome to see that I have los weight. Last time I checked at the same time I weighed myself thid way was last thursday and I weighed 78.6 kg. This time my weigh was 77.6 kg. I am extatic! Of course after this I was super motivated to workout and continue my efforts on this wonderful journey.
I start a new set of workouts for this month. The first day was awesome. It really feels great to change things up. A few hours later I was feeling all the work I did in the morning specially in my legs and butt and later at night at the zumba class I really felt it in my chest. It is amazing the adaptation response of our bodies.
On the nutrition side, today was not perfect. Here's the story:
I work as a staffing analyst so everyday I interview people who are looking for a job. Today, after I had finished an interview and as the candidate was leaving he gave me a small packet, it contained home made bread, a kind of cupcakes. I got to the office and told my co-workers we had bread. I took the top of one of the cupcakes and ate it :). It wasn't that good so I didn't finish it, but there's more missconduct, wait until you read the rest. We left the office early to attend and HS&E monthly meeting. There were snacks afterwards! Oh my God! I could not resist them because they were traditional mexican food, and the kind of food from Veracruz, where I am now, so I am not that used to it so I see it and it's really hard to resist it. I did not overeat nor stuff myself. It was about 40 minutes before my last meal so I decided to work really hard at the zumba class and not eat the dinner at home, I counted the snacks as my last meal, at 6:30 pm.
At the zumba class I did not have as much stamina as I had yesterday. I did my best but wasn't as jumpy as the day before. I have seen this happen to me but I don't let myself get worried I just continue going strong.
At night I prepared my meals for the next day, took bites from what they were cooking for dinner at home and finally got myself out of the kitchen before I ate everything in it.
It was a good day, a positive day.

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