Friday, February 19, 2010

Don't settle for mediocrity when you know you are capable of excellence!

This is my description of yesterday, Thursday February 18.

Today has been a great day. I woke up at 5:34 am but decided to stay in bed for a couple of minutes more. I started my workout routine at 5:40 and by 6:10 I was ready to take a shower. I have to confess that I did cheat a little bit, I weighed myself again. It is no longer 79, it is 78.6 and I won't rest easy until I see a number below 78 in the near future (I'm giving it until the first days of next week).

While I was taking a shower I got hungry, really hungry! I was STARVING, a really fierce hunger stroke like it hadn't in a long time. I believe it had a lot to do with the new practice I've started since yesterday.

I have decided to eat my last meal of the day right before my zumba class because I had been eating it at around 9:30 and goint to bed at 10:30 or 11 and since this was not a long time after eating maybe it's having an unwanted effect. The recomendation is to have your last meal at least 2 hours before bedtime. Yesterday it was 7:30 when I ate my chicken and veggies, and went to bed at 11. This is the reason for my crazy hunger this morning, I changed something and now I'm seeing results related to it.

When I had finished getting ready for work I prepared my morning milkshake and packed all my food for the day. I left home at 7:05 and it really made a difference because I arrived at work at 7:57. Now I just have to leave work on time so I don't run into so much traffic.

All my meals went ok. I was tempted by a small cookie. There were 2 cookies in the packet and I shared one with my co-worker. It was delicious! Other than that I did not drift away from my nutrition and I feel I made an awesome job at being consistent.

I have a discovery to share, while I was looking for some information online I bumped into a website that I just loved. I was looking for the nutritional information of the veggies I brought for my meals and found it on an awesome website. It is I just love it! It is so cool to help you keep track of your calorie intake, you create your profile, save your foods, add your recipes so it makes it really, really interesting and easy. I have never kept a food journal but now I'm seriously considering starting one on this site.

I left work at 6 ppm and arrived at home at 7. It was a good drive, not so much traffic, thanks a lot. To make thing even greater we finally had class today! No more lazy people messing up the schedule. I really liked the class and got tired and covered in sweat hahahaha! I have to say I did feel a difference in exhaustion due to the 2-day pause we had. The previous days with no class I did workout at home with a 20 minute DVD but it is nothing compared to a 50 minute class.

Today I also had dinner before my cardio. I am happy because I see results constantly, all my clothes feel different, fit better and I feel incredible. I am truly unstoppable and can't wait for weigh-in day on sunday to take measurements and share them. also, this weekend I promise to catch up with photos.

Have an amazing day and remember, we are all capable of excellence.

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