Friday, March 5, 2010

Thursday March 4, 2010

"You gain strength, and courage, and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face. You must do that which we think we cannot."

Eleanor Roosevelt

I really feel I am getting stronger, and I mean this in a state of mind way, like this was the right time for me to start this journey. This is my journal entry for Mar 4:

I got up and did my morning workouts. Meals 1 and 2 were OK. I changed meal 2 for today and increased the calories a bit. I had a turkey sandwich and I put some cheese and avocado in it. It was absolutely delicious. I ate an apple with it. Meal 3 was a little delayed because I had to leave my current office to visit the new site where we'll be working starting next month. I really didn't like it, not because of the building, the location is terrible. I don't know how will I get there (I'm new to this area), there is even more traffic on that area, oh dear! It's bound to get interesting.

Oh, by the way, for this visit I had to put on my Personal Protection Equipment. My overalls are hughe. I was depresed when they ordered them for me because I was at my highest high in weight terms so they ordered a very large size since they have to fit you right and not tight. I wore them and they don't seem hughe now, they are ENORMOUS! hahahahaha. It was great to see it! I looked really funny in them, I have a picture in my cell phone, I'll try to upload later...

I arrived back at the office ant 2:30 and had meal 3. Meal 4 was OK too. I got caught up with work and left the office later than usual. This caused me to get home just in time to my zumba class. I changed and went in a hurry. It was a hectic evening. After the class I had an online reunion with some coleagues to discuss the future plans for our starting company. Meal 5 got even more delayed. I arrived at home at 9:20 and was already late for the meeting. I loged in and greeted everyone, then ran into the kitchen for half a cup of yogurt and some seeds, but it was nearly 9:40 when I got around it. It was all I ate, I knew I shouldn't eat more because I was extremely hungry and could overeat and at a late hour. I was strong and kept the meal small. I could have included a carrot but I just thought about it now!

I went to bed at 10:40, I have to stick to this time because if I don't I'll be too tired to get up early and exercise. One of my goals for everyday is to prepare my meals in advance for the next day. I didn't do this, but very few times in over 8 weeks is not killing my results. I feel awesome. It is great I'm enjoying every minute of it.



  1. Hi Vania!
    Hope your week of business travel is going well and that everything stays on track during the trip! I have to agree with you, comments really make my day too :)

    I got the pancake recipe from the IC, here's the link:
    I put a little honey on top... tastes so good. The recipe is a little confusing at first but it makes TWO servings of TWO pancakes.

    Things are going alright for me, gotta just keep on keepin on! Have a great week and I hope you have safe travels!

  2. Christine, you came as an inspiration to me again... I have been thinking what to do to plan for next week's meals and action plan and you gave me a link to this awesome recipe, I'll try it and see what happens. Stay tuned for updates!

  3. Hey Vania,
    as you can see, I fell off the face of the world with blogging too. You're right - everything is not lost... I wasn't able to keep up with my meal planning and calorie counting with life getting in the way, but I kept up good training. My marathon didn't go as planned but I did still manage to finish.
    You can do it! It's just a matter of mentally turning the page and starting fresh.. .I'll be doing the same. I'll be posting sometime this week with updates!

  4. Vany, Could you please help me to post my pics. i can't do it and to day it's the last day. Email me
    i would be waiting for you
