Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Monday March 1, 2010

"We must have perseverance and above all confidence in ourselves. We must believe that we are gifted for something and that this thing must be attained."
Marie Curie

This past week and days have been filled with astonishing results and that makes me really happy. I have begun to see some great changes and improvements. For example, yesterday I got a haircut, and my hair reacted to it wonderfully, my hair is even more curly and it looks better. Also, my nails have grown stronger and healthier, you just know when they have been made of the right ingredients. I look better, I feel better and my clothes fit better.

I am now in the weight and shape I used to consider "mine". There is a lot of room for improvement still but I am now a different person than she who would believe it is OK to be a little overweight as long as I'm comfortable and have people around me who love me. Now I want to be around longer for the people I love and I want them to be around for long too. I want to have the best impact I can have on the people that I love and help as many people as I can. I believe I can do it, I have a gift and now I am prepared to nurture it so it can begin to help others become better versions of themselves.

I got up at 5:30. It still feels like something incredibly crazy. There are days when I just want to kill the alarm and continue sleeping, but like I read in Scott Tousignant's book, how much are you really going to enjoy the sleep you take after ignoring the alarm clock? Usually it has a lot of downside effects, you may oversleep, or be late or even skip breakfast, and let's not talk about skipping workouts. No, no, no I will not allow a warm, cozy bed to stand between me and my ideal body.

I weighed myself again. I thought I was not going to loose any weight (I have to stop this limiting belief) but I did! I lost 200 grams. In the last week these are the results:

Lost weight: 300 grams
Lost centimeters: 5.5
Lost bf%: 1%

I ate properly until meal #3. After that one of my co-workers offered me a piece of cake and I just couldn't resist it. It was delicious. I have a weakness for sweets, specially chocolate and cakes and this time I fell right into temptation. I congratulate myself because I did not finish the whole slice. I did not want to kill myself after eating it and I knew I had to work harder at my zumba class at night and the effect could be minimized. Sadly, after work I went to the super market because I really needed to go and buy things for the week. I couldn't have been done over the weekend because of payroll issues. The thing is I took it very slowly, too slowly and by the time i had left the supermarket it was too late to arrive to my class, I was not going to be able to make a 40 minute drive in 10 minutes.

I had to cut calories. Lucky me, I did not get hungry and, as I was preparing my meals for the next day I took a bite of the chicken and ate some cheese and the piece of jicama left from the 3rd meal.

I went to bed at the usual time, around 10:40. I love making progress. I am inspired. another celebration. I am 2 days away from breaking my 2 month marker (calendar month). I am currently in week 9 and that's the longest I have ever endured so commited, so motivated and so strong.

Journaling is awesome. Too bad I did not have the courage to take before photos and measurements but there have been a lot of resources like weight and # of ill-fitting and not-fitting pants.

In my suitcase there were 5 pants that fell into the previous categories. Now there are only 2 and really soon they will be gone from this list and thankfully move to another list, the too-large pants list! I-m looking forward to starting that list. Currently all my pants fit, except for those 2 and they are starting to be a little loose around the waist! awesome.

Thank you for reading.
Enjoy a great day.

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