Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Tuesday March 2, 2010

"One half of life is luck; the other half is discipline - and that's the important half, for without discipline you wouldn't know what to do with luck."

Carl Zuckmeyer

Since I decided to focus on discipline for today I am really happy to share with you that for this day I had excellent actions towards my goal. I completed 5 meals with perfect nutrition, everything as I had planned. On the workout part I did my best at both workouts, in the morning and at night.

At the zumba studio one of the teachers called me aside to measure my progress. They use a digital scale that also measures your body fat %, your water % and your LBM %. The results were strange. In the scale nothing changed, absolutely nothing, which I find very rare but I decided not to worry about it. At the studio they mark the progress every month and not every week and the scale that I use at home has shown me some progress so I'm gonna go with the changes I see at home. I won't let these readings get me down because the measurements say otherwise.

When she took out the measuring tape it was a whole different story. I lost 1 cm in my chest and 6 cm in my waist. She couldn't believe my loss, actually she measured me twice because she thought she had done it wrong but oh no! It was correct, I was extra happy and energized when I came back to the class after seeing such wonderful results.

Thing at works started to look better too, I received good news and that made my day. I am really happy and extremely filled with gratitude because I completed a whole day of 100% compliance to the programme I have outlined for myself. The results haven't stopped coming and I am super excited to see the end result and start living a new lifestyle in a new body. It is all turning out to be awesome and I am determined to continue down this road that is taking me to so many levels I didn't know I had.

I am becoming more disciplined, I never thought I'd be, it always seemed so hard, but it isn't at all, not if you have the right reasons and the right beliefs to make you stronger.

I enjoy exercise, same story. I never thought I would. It implies effort and discipline and I was not a big fan of either one. Little by little I have started to see that they have their way of paying off your effort and determination and it is wonderful. I enjoyed very much watching my body in the mirror in class and see muscle definition in my arms, it looks so much different when you start modifying your physique with exercise and the proper nutrition instead of just winging it and resorting to large calorie deficits and no activity.

I am becoming a positive role model. Today I arrived at home after work and I saw my sister was playing with her ball, she loved the exercises I showed her and does them almost everyday and all the time.

I am enjoying the journey. I appreciate the comments and visits I get. Thank you.
Have an awesome day!

1 comment:

  1. Vania,
    Thanks so much for your supportive comments... I read back and it sounds like you've been doing fantastic! Congrats on the continuing progress and your new-found discipline!! I completely agree with how different it is when you *consciously* seek to modify your physique, instead of just hoping something will magically change you like the majority of the population seems to do.
    When you made Tom's oatmeal pancakes, did you make the apple cinnamon ones or the creamy vanilla ones? I tried the vanilla ones for the first time two days ago and have just been making them over and over again! They're so delicious! (I modified the recipe a bit to match my needs, but still..mmm.. so good). If you tried the apple cinnamon ones, let me know how those are, because they're next on my list of things to try out!
    Your quote reminded me of another one I have heard (don't remember the source though).
    "The harder I work, the luckier I get."
    Keep it up! I love to read about your continuing progress! :)
