Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Sunday, February 28 2010

Ok so today I had set my alarm clock to go off as it usually does on weekdays to weigh myself at the same time of the day. I thought I would see no change in my weight, but I did, I had lost 100 grams! LOL! Well, every small step is a step towards my goal.
I went back to bed after being completely satisfied with what I saw in the scale. A couple of hours later I got up and did my workout. I prepared Tom Venuto's oatmeal pancakes for breakfast. This was the first time I prepared them and they were awesome! I loved them. Since I had still some calories to spare I spread some low/sugar jam on them and they were delicious.
When my family came back home we shared lunch together. I continued to watch some more T.V. In the afternoon, around 5 we all ate. I have to admit that I overate, I had more food than on my normal meals, but I was starving. I cannot seem to get a hold of keeping my meal schedule for weekends. What I have done succesfully is control the calorie intake, that is great. One step at a time.
Since I was so full after dinner I decided to go for a walk. My sister came with me. We were out for a little over an hour. A lot of our walk was up-hill because that's the way the streets in this town are, so it was really demanding. We had a great time, we did some story telling and took pictures together. I loved it. It was a great weekend.
I am excited, next weekend will be coldplay's concert...I can't wait.

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